Adobe acrobat import data from excel
Adobe acrobat import data from excel

adobe acrobat import data from excel

RecordPos2 = (InStr(1, TempVal, Sep4)) ‘ find “)” which is end of record ‘*******Comment out the line below if you do not want data record name*****Ĭells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value = Right((Left(Part1, Len(Part1) – 1)), Len((Left(Part1, Len(Part1) – 1))) – 3) ‘ trim off start and end superfluous characters and enter in cell Part1 = Trim(Mid(TempVal, 1, recordPos)) ‘get data record name

adobe acrobat import data from excel

‘Assume the value is in A1, in B1 =Left(A1,len(A1)-2) RecordPos = (InStr(1, TempVal, Sep4)) ‘Go to end of record by using “)” TempVal = Mid(WholeLine, Pos, NextPos – Pos) ‘Find start of next record NextPos = InStr(Pos, WholeLine, Sep2) ‘find end of current record WholeLine = Mid(WholeLine, StartPos, EndPos) ‘capture just the data fields StartPos = (InStr(1, WholeLine, “”)) – 1 ‘ find where data ends

adobe acrobat import data from excel

Line Input #1, WholeLine ‘Skip first three lines as they do not contain any data Open FName For Input Access Read As #1 ‘open fdf file ‘set cell row and column where to start entering data (filefilter:=”Adobe FDF Data Files(*.fdf),*.fdf,All Files (*.*),*.*”, Title:=”Select FDF file to import”)

Adobe acrobat import data from excel